The Ohio State University, Third-Year Design Class, DESIGN 4400.01 (AU21)
Instructed by: Maria Palazzi
Solo Projects: Madyson Webb
This project was my first attempt at video editing. Here I learned the basic foundations of animation through drawing frame-by-frame scenes on notecards. The notecards were then scanned, digitized, and imported into Adobe Premiere, where frame speed variation and sound were added.
1959 to 2019 Product ANalysis Animation
From this assignment, I was tasked with comparing two products from Jay Doblin's 1959 magazine publication and the other from IIT Institute of Design's 2019 study "100 Great Designs of Modern Times". My selection was the timeless Womb Chair and the rebellious Valentine Typewriter.
The animatic takes you on a story of how these products rapidly changed and questioned the way designers and consumers view our material world.
TEE TOTE BAG: Repurposed Shirts & Pants
The goal of this interview video was to showcase the designers and the product they're selling at the Winter Market. We were tasked with highlighting their process, reasonings, and excitement for the product. My partner, Alex Nonato, and I were assigned to the two-person team that created the Tee Tote Bag. Here I learned how to design a dynamic environment that includes: lighting, props, spaces, shot angles, and professionally record. The shots and sounds were later edited independently in Adobe Premiere Pro for submission.